. Gallery – Bay Area Pinseekers Golf Club

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    If you have photos you’ve taken that you’d like us to include, please email them to Karen Treat.

    A collection of photos and videos from current and past years.

    L to R

    The Current Board

    Roger O’Callaghan Hole in ONE! Callippe No. 4
    Don Carlson and best friends celebrating his Hole In One.
    Don Carlson presenting NCGA Youth on Course – $10,000 donation from Pinseeker members. Don walked for dollars all season.
    Harley walking Spyglass.
    Karen at Pebble…9th Hole.  Harley teeing off at Wente.
    Steve Shaw, Karen Treat, Bob Harley and John Parker 18th Pebble Beach.
    Don, Karen, Bob at NCGA event.

    Bob at Poppy Hills.

    Gary Irwin and friends Hole in One at Metropolitan Hole No. 12


    2016 Awards Dinner Poem