. Club Updates – Bay Area Pinseekers Golf Club

Sign Up for a Tournament


    Message From Steve Shaw - President, check out the 2024 special NCGA Events, Tournament Operations, Local Rules and More

    Messages from the Board:

    This section is worthy of review as it is the spot on our Website that allows our CLUB PRESIDENT to communicate topics of importance throughout the year and where Board Meeting Minutes are posted. All of us can benefit by using our website to keep better informed throughout the year. Pinseekers: Our two teams performed very well at Poppy Hills in the finals of the Associate Club 4-Ball. Both teams qualified as two of the 46 teams to play in the finals. Liz Riddle and Carl Thoreson tied for 3rd Place. 9 under par on day one: 10 Birdies, only 1 Bogie. Day two they scored 7 Birdies, 1 Eagle and only 3 Bogies for 6 under par. 15 under par for the two day tournament. Don Carlson and Mario Rollolazo tied for 7th Place. 7 under par on day one: 8 Birdies, 1 Bogie. Day two they scored 6 Birdies, 1 Eagle and 3 Bogies for 5 under par. 12 under par for the two day tournament.

    Tournament Operations

    With the infusion of new members into our club each year as well as modifications to the club’s operating parameters, it is important that members understand the club’s general operating routine regarding tournaments: pairings, sign-ups, payments, fees, guests, and the skins game. Additionally, Match Play, the Memorial Cup, the hole-in-one insurance fund, which tees to play during events, tournament flights and the three day family fun outing will be briefly discussed near the end of this document.

    Local Rules

    Bay Area Pinseekers Golf Club tournament play is governed by the USGA Rules of Golf and the current Decisions on the Rules of Golf and, where applicable, the following Local Rules and Conditions, along with additional Local Rules as may be supplied.

    Bay Area Pinseeker Merchandise

    You may order your favorite BAP logo golf gear on-line, directly from our vendor, Queensboro. If you are a first time user, you'll be asked to register and create an account for ordering your BAP-logo items.